
第九条 is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in an education program. 本规约所涵盖的各种性别歧视, 第九条 protects against discrimination related to pregnancy or parental status. Protection extends to students who are pregnant or who have either had a false pregnancy, 终止妊娠, 经历过分娩, 或者正在从这些状况中恢复. 第九条 regulations also prohibit a school from applying any rule related to a student’s parental, family or marital status that treats students differently based on their sex. Below are some frequently asked questions and their answers about the University’s compliance with this aspect of 第九条.


A Mamava on-campus lactation suite is located on the first floor of the Guillot University Center (GUC), 在收发室的走廊里. To ask a question or report a problem with the lactation suite, 联系第九条办公室 (titleix@technestng.com). 在GUC向公众开放的任何时候,都可以使用哺乳套房. Access to the suite is available through the Mamava App (available on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store), 另外, 第九条办公室可以提供你使用的代码. 

